Sri Valli Bhuvaneshwari Ashtakam Lyrics in English:
sricitrapuravasinim varabhavanisankaratvapradam
otaprotasivanvitam gurumayim gambhiryasantosadham ।
hrdguhyankurakalpitam gurumatam srotayate tam sudham
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 1 ||
cinmudrankitadaksinasyanihitam sribhasyakarasriyam
tam hastamalakaprabodhanakarim ksetre sthitam matrkam ।
srivallyudbhavapuspagandhalaharim sarasvatatrayikam
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 2 ||
srividyoditakaumudirasabharam karunyarupatmikam
murtibhuya sada sthitam guruparijnanasramasvasanam ।
sannidhyanganasisyaraksanakarim vatsalyasaraspadam
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 3 ||
tanvim raktanavarkavarnasadrsim khandendusammanditam
pinottungakucadvayim kutikatim tryaksam sada susmitam ।
pasabhitivaraisvarankusadharam sriparnapadam param
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 4 ||
sri macchankarasadgururganapatirvatatmajah ksetrapah
prasade vilasanti bhuri sadaye nityasthite hrimmayi ।
yusmatsnehakataksasaumyakirana raksanti dogdhrikulam
sri vallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 5 ||
goptrim vatsasuraksinim mathagrhe bhaktaprajakarsinim
yatradivyakarim vimarsakalaya tam sadhake samsthitam ।
prayascittajapadikarmakanitam jnanesvarimambikam
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 6 ||
srisarasvatageyapeyajananim jnanadividyapradam
loke bhaktasuguptitaranakarim karpanyadosapaham ।
aryatvapravikasalasanakarim hrtpadmavidyutprabham
srivallim bhuvanesvarim sivamayimaisvaryadam tam bhaje || 7 ||
ksudra me bhuvanesvari stutikatha kim va mukhe te smitam
ya’si tvam padavarnavakyajanani varnaih katham varnyatam ।
vasaste mama manase gurukrpe nityam bhavet pavani
nanya me bhuvanesvari prasamika nanya gatirhrimmayi || 8 ||
iti sri sadyojata sankarasramasvamiviracitam
sri vallibhuvanesvaryastakam sampurnam ।
Many thanks- sharing in humility as taught . This Ashtaka is dedicated to the Divine Mother Shree Bhuvaneswari.
1. The Ashtakam of 8 verses dedicated to Divine Sri Bhuvaneswari is a prayer by the Devotee. Srivalli is ancient name for Shirali village, where our Sri Chitrapur Math of 300 years is located. Sri Devi, Shiva and Guru are the same. The Shiva – Shakti aspect in our Aradhana, with Guru’s guidance takes the devotee ahead. She is Shiva Tattva. She is Guru Mayeem also. She is the Patra -Gambhirya and Santosha i.e., receptivity and the joy and thus become a treasure house. We do not allow worries to affect us in our Devi Upasana as she protects us with Varadaam – to connect thoughts, actions and takes us across passage of Life-Samsara. This is the Sukshma Tattva of Sri Devi Bhuvaneswari and Her Greatness. To attain anything in life, we pray to Sri Devi Bhuvaneswari, who grants it. Sri-valli is referred to as a delightful creeper. Sloka 1 is a Varnan of the Divine Mother and each verse concludes with the salutation to the Divine Mother seeking Her Blessings in life.
2. She is Vaak Devata and grants speech and proper understanding to Her Devotees. The example of Hastamalakya of Srivalli village who was in Mouna till Yuvaka stage i.e. a state of silence – is cited; The significance of Anugraha kripa through Vaak Shakti is seen. The Divine Mother is seated with the Chin Mudra posture similar to Shree Dakshinamurthy. The very loving glance of the Guru, granted Hastamalakya of Srivalli– disciple of Adi Sankara who had been silent since birth the gift of speech when Sri Adi Sankara came to Srivalli and blessed him.This Blessing is the Anugraha kripa of Devi Bhuvaneswari herself who manifests as fragrance Gandha –as sweet speech “madhura vaani”and this Blessing is seen in our Sri Chitrapur Guru Parampara and descends to Chitrapur Saraswat Bhaktas.To the Divine Creeper- Shree Bhuvaneswari of Srivalli, our salutations.
3. From Srivalli (Shirale) to Hastamalakya, the Ashtaka connects to our revered Swami Parijnanashram, our 10th Guru, who was blessed by the Divine Mother with the complete knowledge of Sri Vidya Upasana. They bless us with compassion. Sri Devi is the essence of the moon in Soumya Roopa – Compassion and this was the very embodiment of Swami Parijnanashram also. Sri Bhu is Sri Vidya and those who pray to Sri Devi Bhuvaneswari are granted the protection of a Mother in her garden i.e., o her Bhaktas. Our Prayer to the Murthy – the Vigriha at Sri Chitrapur Math gives us the protection of a Mother’s love – Vatsalya Bhava of complete care and protection. Salutations to the Divine Mother who gives her Grace.
4. Varnan – The description of the Divine Mother with the reddish colour of the rising sun, the beauty and coolness of the crescent moon, slender and curved at the waist representing Creativity and to Grant- give– bless and protect. The noose (pasha) is to draw the Bhakta as a Child gently to her and the Abhaya Mudra is to give re-assurance so that the Devotee is not afraid. With her Ankusha, she gently goads the devotee to the correct path – Abheeti with no fear; and in due course fulfills the desires –the Iccha/Needs, of the devotee. There is no anger (Krodha) or fear (Bhaya) in this aspect of growth in the grace of the Divine Mother, who is like a water drop on a lotus leaf remaining unaffected.
5. Describes, the various aspects of the link between Devi Bhuvaneswari and the Kshetra Palas at Chitrapur Math and with Shree Maha Ganapathy, Shree Anjaneya, Shree Bhavani Sankara, in the grandeur of the Divine Mother living in the prasaada (Palace). This is seen in the radiance in the Math and all there. Even her side long glance – Kataksha gives the gentle rays of loving look and protects the Devotee. The Divine Mother before the Pratishta of the Vigriha was only known to the Bhaktas in the Mantras – Hreem Mayi, but now with the Vigraha installed in the Math, is in Saguna form and thus easy to worship for all.
6. She is the Protector – Goptri of her devotees and all those in the Math. When we take the Mantra deeksha and start doing Japa, she will resides within us. Through the process of Japa, we start to mentally & spiritually evolve and the Mantras bring about a Vimarsha and this gives the Prakasha – Inspiration leads to enlightenment. Thus she protects from within the devotee by residing in their hearts and minds. In our Nitya Pooja, we have been given the various Stotras on Guru Charana and esp. Paduka Stotram for Prayaschitta. So as we chant this daily and do our Nitya Pooja, we slowly progress and overcome our errors and omissions. (Pramada and Dosha). The Nitya pooja and Mantra Japa are thus a special part of our life and the Guru in the Devi (Shiva Shakti) protects us.
7. Sri Saraswati is our very own Divine Mother and thus we have the community name Saraswats. From Devi Bhuvaneswari, in whom is Mother Saraswati- who is the Teacher and Vidya Roopini, she grants us success in our Aradhana and even in our own profession. All types of skill and action as knowledge is Adi Vidya The Parimochan at Shirali and our Pooja to Devi Bhuvaneswari takes us across Karpanya Dosha i.e., any , all- errors & effects arising due to limitations on our part inc. inability to do, forgetfulness viz. the errors that creep in and gradually she grants Yoga and Kshema (Gita Chp 12) . She then resides in the heart lotus of the Bhakta – Anahata Chakra. When Karpanya Dosha is removed, the devotee blossoms and the Divine Mother resides in the heart lotus.
8. She is Vaak Devata – Sri Saraswati. So how can we do Stuthikatha? This is explained as “ by the Mantras, she stays in our mind – Manasa and keeps us tranquil with Mantra Shakti. When the mind is clear and calm, we are receptive to listen.
She is seen in all forms and pervades everywhere. Salutations to the Divine Mother.