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Hinduism Glossary of Terms – K

Kaivalya =  Aloneness; isolation; aloofness from the influence of prakrti or maya
Kala =  limited agency; creativity; phase of manifestation; part letter or word (in ha-kalaparyantam)
Kala =  time; Sakti or power that determines succession.
Kala =  (1) The Sakti of consciousness by which all the thirty-six principles are evolved. (2) Part; particle, aspect (3) Limitation in respect of activity (Kincitkartrtva). (4) The subtlest aspect of objectivity, viz., Sastyatita, santa, Vidya, Pratistha, and Nivrtti
Kala pada =  The toe of the right foot.
Kala tattva =  Time-past, present, and future determined by the sense of succession.
Kala-adhva =  Temporal course of manifestation, viz., Varna, mantra and pada
Kalacakra =  Matrcakra, Sakticakra, Devicakra; the group of letters from ‘a’ to ‘ksa’.
Kalagni =  Kalagni-bhuvanesa-a particular Rudra in Nivrtti kala
Kala sakti =  the Sakti or power of the Divine that determines succession.
Kalasarira =  That of which the essential nature is activity; Karma mala
Kalpa =  Periodic evolution
kAma =  desire, lust
Kancuka =  The covering of Maya, throwing a pall over pure consciousness (Suddha Samvid) and thus converting Siva into jiva. They are (1) kala, (2) (asuddha) Vidya, (3) Raga (4) Niyati and (5) Kala.
Kanda =  Muladhara psychic centre
Kantha =  The cakra at the base of the throat
Karana =  (1) The means of jnana and kriya-antahkarana and bahiskarana (2) One of the anava upayas in which the aspirant contemplates over the body and the nervous system as an epitome of the cosmos.; cause
kArana =  Cause.
kArana SarIra =  See Sarira
karaNam =  instrument, antaHkaraNam (internal performers) are four – mind, intellect, subconcious mind, ego (manas, buddi, chitta, ahaMkAra)
Karana Sarira =  The body in profound sleep and in two other higher avasthas.
Karanesvari =  Khecari, gocari, dikcari and bhucari cakra
Karanesvaryah =  Khecari, Gocari, Dikcari and Bhucari cakra
Karika =  A commentary or a philosophical, grammatical work in concise statements
Karma =  One of the three Bandam or Mala or Pasa which fetters the Soul. The sum total of human action, involved as cause and effect, producing pleasure and pain and causing rebirths.
Karmakanda =  The part of the Vedas that deals with rituals and scarifices
Karma mala =  Mala due to vasanas or impressions left behind on the mind by Karma or motivated action.
Karmendriya =  The five powers and organs of action-speaking (Vak), handling(hasta), locomotion (pada), excreting (payu), sexual action(upastha)
Karta =  Creator ; the Lord ; God.
Kartrtva =  The state of being the subject.
Karya =  Effect; objectivity
kanmam, karma =  Deeds, The effect of deeds, The accumulation of the good, bad or any deeds one (pashu – soul) has done during this and previous births
kashmiri shaivam =  trika philosophy, The shaivite philosophy that ruled the Kashmir
Kevala =  Alone. isolated
Kevala avastha =  The avastha named last is Kevala Avastha. The other four avasthas constitute Sakala avastha. The state of the Jivanmukta is the Sutta avastha.
Kevali =  One whose sole essence of Self consists in ebing pure consciousness; One who is established in Self.
Kha-traya =  Kha-akasa, symbol of consciousness. Kha-traya-The three akasas,, viz; Sakti, vyapini, and samana situated in the head from the Vindu between the eye-brows up to Brahmarandhra. Concentrating in the head, one should rise higher by means of the above three khas
Khecari =  Sub-species of Vamesvari Sakti, connected with the pramata, the empirical self; Khecari is one that moves in ‘Kha’ or ‘akasa’, the vast expanse of consciousness.
Khecari-cakra =  The cakra or group of the saktis that move in the expanse of consciousness of the empirical subject.
Khecari Mudra =  The bliss of the vast expanse of spiritual consciousness, also known as divya mudra or Sivavastha (the state of Siva).
Khyati =  Jnana; knowledge; wisdom;
Kosa =  (Lit., sheath or covering) The following are the five kosas as described in Vedanta philosophy: (1) the annamayakosa, or gross physical sheath, made of and sustained by food; (2) the pranamayakosa, or vital sheath, consisting of the five pranas or vital forces; (3) the manomayakosa, or mental sheath; (4)the vijnanamayakosa, or sheath of intelligence; (5) the anandamayakosa, or sheath of bliss. These five sheaths cover the Soul, which is the innermost reality or the jiva and is untouched by the characteristics of the sheaths.
Koti =  Point, initial or final
kOvil, kOyil =  temple, Alayam
Krama =  Realization of Self by means of Kriya Yoga
Kramamudra =  A successive occurrence of nimilana and unmilana samadhi; the condition in which the mind by the force of samavesa swings alternately between the internal (essential Self) and the external (the world which now appears as Siva)
Krida =  Play or sport of the Divine.
Kriya =  action, the Sakti of Suddha-vidya Activity; the power of activity.
Kriya Sakti =  The Divine Energy. God as conceived as the author of evolution
Kriya Yoga =  Anava upaya, also known as Kriyopaya
Kriya Sakti =  The power of assuming any and every form (Sarvakarayogitvam Kriyasaktih)
Krtrima =  Constructed by vikalpa or determinate idea; pseudo reality.
Ksema =  Preservation of what is obtained
Ksetrajna =  The empirical subject
Ksobha =  Identification of ‘I’ with the gross or subtle body.
Ksetra =  Holy place; place of pilgrimage.
Ksetrajna =  The empirical Subject
Kuhana =  Magic or tickling of the arm-pit
Kula =  Sakti manifesting herself in 36 tattvas
Kulamarga =  The discipline for attaining to the Supreme
Kulamnaya =  The Sakta system or doctrine of realizing the Supreme by means of all the letters from (a) to (ksa)
Kumari =  One who carries on the play of the world-process or one who brings about an end to the difference-creating Maya
Kumbhaka =  Retention of prana
kumara, subrahmaNya, muruga =  The second son of Lord shiva
Kundali or Kundalini =  The creative power of Siva. A distinct sakti that lies folded up in three and a half folds in Muladhara.
Kutilakrti =  A curved form in which prana flows before the awakening of Kundalini
Kuta-bija =  The letter (ksa)

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – K

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