Kukke Subrahmanya Temple FAQs:
How to reach Kukke Subrahmanya Temple from Subrahmanya Railway Station?
There are frequent KSRTC Bus Services Available from the Subrahmanya Railway Station. Autos, Jeeps are also available during the trains reaching time. So you can catch as per your requirement and affordability that makes you reach the temple.
What is the Dharshan Timings at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple?
Normally it would be around 1 or 2 hours. On weekends like Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays and special days like Krithika Nakshathra days, it takes + 1 hour time.
Can Muslims or Christians perform Sarpa Samskara Pooja at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple?
Yes, Muslims or Christians perform Sarpa Samskara Pooja at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple. Can see lot of Muslims doing Sarpa Sarpa Samskara Pooja here.
As a Muslim, I don’t know the procedure of doing Sarpa Samskara Pooja at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple, so anybody will guide me?
No worries, just contact the temple officials and explain your request and they will assist/guide you in performing the Sarpa Samskara Pooja at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple.
What is the Dharshan Timing of Kukke Subrahmanya temple now?
Darshana timings are as follows 7 AM to 11:30 AM / 12:15 PM to 1:30 PM / 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
When will the Sevas and Dharshan restriction will be relaxed at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple?
The Karnataka Government may give orders to resume after August 31, 2021.
Shall I visit Kukke Subrahmanya Temple on 30.08.2021?
You can visit Kukke Subrahmanya temple only for Dharshan and cannot perform any other Sevas till 30 August 2021.
Can I visit Kukke Subrahmanya temple this weekend?
Darshana / accommodation is restricted on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) at Kukke Subrahmanya temple till 30.08.2021.
How to get accomadtion at Kukke Subrahmanya temple?
Devotee who want accommodation, should go for RT-PCR Test 72 hours before the accommodation date and provide negative report on arrival. Devotees should follow strictly the Covid-19 guidelines.
Whether Ashlesha Bali Pooja and Rahu Ketu Pooja are and the same?
Dear Nandini
No, Ashlesha Bali Pooja and Rahu Ketu Pooja are not the same. They are two distinct Hindu rituals performed for different purposes.