Chant this Mantra when lighting the lamp to the deity of your choice:
Shubham karoti kalyaanam aarogyam dhana sampadaa
shatru buddhir vinaashaaya dipa jyotir namostute
Sanskrit to English Word Meaning:
Subham- auspiciousness; karoti – which brings; kalyaanam- prosperity; arogyamgood health; dhanasampadah- abundance of wealth; shatrubuddhih- of the intellect‟s enemy (ignorance); vinashaaya- for the destruction; dipajyotir- that lamplight; namosthuthe- I salute thee.
I salute the One who is the lamplight that brings auspiciousness, prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction of the intellect‟s enemy (ignorance).
Mantra when lighting the lamp Prayer for a Happy Living Lyrics in Sanskrit with Meaning