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Narayaniyam Astatrimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 38

Narayaniyam Astatrimsadasakam in English:

॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ aṣṭātriṁśadaśakaṁ ॥

nārāyaṇīyaṁ aṣṭātriṁśadaśakaṁ 38 – śrīkr̥ṣṇāvatāram

ānandarūpa bhagavannayi tē:’vatārē
prāptē pradīptabhavadaṅganirīyamāṇaiḥ |
kāntivrajairiva ghanāghanamaṇḍalairdyā-
māvr̥ṇvatī virurucē kila varṣavēlā || 38-1 ||

āśāsu śītalatarāsu payōdatōyai-
rāśāsitāptivivaśēṣu ca sajjanēṣu |
naiśākarōdayavidhau niśi madhyamāyāṁ
klēśāpahastrijagatāṁ tvamihā:’virāsīḥ || 38-2 ||

bālyaspr̥śāpi vapuṣā dadhuṣā vibhūtī-
rudyatkirīṭakaṭakāṅgadahārabhāsā |
mēghāsitēna parilēsitha sūtigēhē || 38-3 ||

mandākṣalakṣitakaṭākṣavimōkṣabhēdaiḥ |
tanmandirasya khalakaṁsakr̥tāmalakṣmī-
munmārjayanniva virējitha vāsudēva || 38-4 ||

śauristu dhīramunimaṇḍalacētasō:’pi
dūrasthitaṁ vapurudīkṣya nijēkṣaṇābhyām |
stuṣṭāva dr̥ṣṭimakarandarasaṁ bhavantam || 38-5 ||

dēva prasīda parapūruṣa tāpavallī-
nirlūnadātra samanētra kalāvilāsin |
khēdānapākuru kr̥pāgurubhiḥ kaṭākṣai-
rityādi tēna muditēna ciraṁ nutō:’bhūḥ || 38-6 ||

mātrā ca nētrasalilāstr̥tagātravallyā
stōtrairabhiṣṭutaguṇaḥ karuṇālayastvam |
prācīnajanmayugalaṁ pratibōdhya tābhyāṁ
māturgirā dadhitha mānuṣabālavēṣam || 38-7 ||

tvatprēritastadanu nandatanūjayā tē
vyatyāsamāracayituṁ sa hi śūrasūnuḥ |
tvāṁ hastayōradhr̥ta cittavidhāryamāryai-
raṁbhōruhasthakalahaṁsakiśōraramyam || 38-8 ||

jātā tadā paśupasadmani yōganidrā
nidrāvimudritamathākr̥ta pauralōkam |
tvatprēraṇātkimiva citramacētanairya-
ddvāraiḥ svayaṁ vyaghaṭi saṅghaṭitaiḥ sugāḍham || 38-9 ||

śēṣēṇa bhūriphaṇavāritavāriṇā:’tha
svairaṁ pradarśitapathō maṇidīpitēna |
tvāṁ dhārayan sa khalu dhanyatamaḥ pratasthē
sō:’yaṁ tvamīśa mama nāśaya rōgavēgān || 38-10 ||

iti aṣṭātriṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam |

Narayaniyam Astatrimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord who is the personification of complete joy,
When the time neared for your incarnation,
The rainy season came along with heavy rich clouds,
Which appeared as if is a powerful light emanating from you. ॥ 38.1 ॥

When all the environment got cool due to the heavy rain,
And when all good people were joyous because due to fulfillment of their desires,
And at midnight when the moon has just risen, you were born in this world,
So that you can remove the sufferings of all the three worlds. ॥ 38.2 ॥

In the room of your birth, though you were indeed a baby,
Your bluish-black cloud-like form looked as if it was attracting all sorts of wealth,
And the dazzle of your crown, bangles and armlets was mixed along with,
That of the conch, wheel, mace and lotus and was throwing light everywhere ॥ 38.3 ॥

Oh Lord, who was the son of Vasudeva, due to the look tinged with shyness,
Of Goddess Lakshmi who was completely merged in your chest,
The atmosphere in that place was so surcharged that, it looked as if,
That all the evils in that house due to the badness of Kamsa would be swept away. ॥ 38.4 ॥

Due to seeing you, who is even unattainable to sages, who have attained self-control,
Vasudeva filled both his eyes with your very baby-like form,
And was transported to great ecstasy and horripilation and with choked emotion,
Sang your praises, with his eyes being filled up with honey-like tears. ॥ 38.5 ॥

That Vasudeva with a very joyous mind praised you like this,
“ Oh God who is the divine spirit, be pleased with me,
You are the knife that cuts off the tender creeper of sorrow,
Please remove all my sorrow by your compassionate glance.” ॥ 38.6 ॥

You who were also praised by your mother Devaki,
With eyes full of tears of joy, told your mother and father,
About the happenings in their previous two births,
And as per their request changed your divine form into that of a baby. ॥ 38.7 ॥

Due to your suggestion Vasudeva who was the son of Soora,
Readied himself to swap you with the daughter of Nandagopa,
And lifted you, who can be carried only by the mind of great saints,
By his two hands like a young swan seated on a lotus flower ॥ 38.8 ॥

Then the Yoga Maya, according to your suggestion,
Drowned all city people of the cowherd’s place into a deep slumber,
And all the inanimate doors of the prison which were securely locked,
Opened by themselves and this indeed is nothing but wonderful. ॥ 38.9 ॥

Then the very lucky Vasudeva carrying you was shown the way,
By Adhisesha who prevented him from getting drenched in the rain by his hoods,
And lighted his path by the gems on his head,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, who is like that please cure my diseases. ॥ 38.10 ॥

Dasakam 39 The coming out of Yoga Maya and festival of Krishna’s birth.

( Vasudeva brings the child Yoga Maya born to Yasoda to the prison. In spite of the baby being a girl, Kamsa tries to dash the baby against a stone. She appears before him and tells that he who is born to kill him is elsewhere. Meanwhile, the Yadavas of Gokula celebrate the birth of a son to their king.)

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Narayaniyam Astatrimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 38

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