When is Shastiapthapoorthi Performed:
Shastiapthapoorthi has to be performed on the bridegroom completing his 60 years i.e, starting off 61 years. Shastiapthapoorthi has to be performed exactly on his birth star (Jenma Nakshatram) and the corresponding Tamil Month.
Can Shastiapthapoorthi be performed on any convenient day:
It is ideal to perform Shastiapthapoorthi on the star day (Jenma Nakshatra day). However, if you are not aware of the birth star details, this can be performed on any of your convenient Muhurtha days.
Till what age can Shastiapthapoorthi be performed:
Shastiapthapoorthi can be performed till 65 years. The main criteria of 60 years completion should be met.
What are other homams / shanthis performed in Thirukadaiyur:
Ugraradha Shanthi – For 59 years Completion
Bheemaradha Shanthi – For 69 years completion
Sadabishegam – For 79 years completion
And other Ayul Mrithunjeya Homams like Ayush Homam, Saptha Draviya Homam, Shodhasa Draviya Homam etc.
Why Shastiapthapoorthi in Thirukadaiyur:
Kala-samhara-moorthi, the other name by which Lord Amritaghateswarar is known – Lord Siva brought God Yama to life for his sincere disciple Sri Markendayar. So Lord Siva in Thirukadiyur is called Mritunga jaya murthi. Hence, this temple is supposed to give longevity of life to devotees
Devotees completing 59 years and starting sixty have to perform Ugraratha Shanthi
Completing sixty years and starting sixties have to perform Shastiapthapoorthi
Completing sixty-nine years and starting seventy have to perform Beema ratha santhi.
Starting eighty has to perform Sathabishekham and Ayusha Homam.
According to astrology devotees can perform Mrutinji jaya homam
Where is the function performed:
The Homam / Function would be performed in the Temple Praharams. Either in Swami Amirthakadeshwarar Praharam or Abirami Ambal Sannathi.
Each function would be performed individually in the space allocated in the Praharam by the Temple Devasthanam.
Other names for Shastiapthapoorthi:
In Sanskrit, Shasti means 60, Aptha means Age, Poorthi is Completion. Hence, its called Shastiapthapoorthi. Other common terms for Shastiapthapoorthi is Sastiabdhapoorthi, Shastiabdhapoorthi, Shastipurthi, Sastipuri etc. Shastiapthapoorthi is also widely known as ‘Manivizha’ in Tamil Nadu