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Stars and Planets | Nakshatras and their Nature

 Nakshatras and their Nature:

The 360 degrees of the Zodiac are divided into 27 parts called Nakshatras (Constellation of the stars). Each extends at 13 degrees and 20 arc minutes. The nakshatras are also ruled by planets. Rahu and Ketu are also given ownership. The names of the Nakshatras (stars), their appearance, nature and lords are given in the following table.

Si No StarAppearanceNatureRuler
1Aswini3 stars resembling a horse’s faceAuspiciousKetu
2Bharani3 stars resembling a female sexual organ.InauspiciousVenus
3KrittikaConstellation of 6 starsInauspiciousSun
4Rohini5 stars resembling an ear.AuspiciousMoon
5Mrigasira3 stars like ahead.AuspiciousMars
6ArdraStarlike a coral head.AuspiciousRahu
7Punarvasu5 stars like a potter’s wheel.Semi auspiciousJupiter
8Pushya3 stars resembling a bloodsucker.AuspiciousSaturn
9Ashlesha6 stars like a serpent.InauspiciousMercury
10Makha5 stars like a palanquin.DestructiveKetu
11Purvaphalguni2 stars resembling human eyes.FatalVenus
12Uttaraphalguni2 stars like eyes.IntelligentSun
13Hasta5 stars like human fingers.FortunateMoon
14Chitra1 star like a pearl.AuspiciousMars
15Swati1 star like a sapphire.AuspiciousRahu
16Vishakha5 stars like a potter’s wheel.InauspiciousJupiter
17Anuradha3 stars resembling an umbrella.Success givingSaturn
18Jyeshta5 stars like a crouching lion.DestructiveMercury
19Moola5 stars like a crouching lion.DestructiveKetu
20Poorvashada2 stars each forming a square.DestructiveVenus
21Uttarashada2 stars each forming a square.IntelligentSun
22Shravana3 stars like an arrow.HappyMoon
23Dhanishta3 stars like a Sun’s head.AuspiciousMars
24Satabhisha100 stars resembling a flower.HappyRahu
25Poorvabhadra2 stars each forming the legs of a cot.FatalJupiter
26Uttarabhadra2 stars each forming the legs of a cot.FortunateSaturn
27Revati3 stars like a fish.HappyMercury

Each of these constellations is divided into four quarter padas and we have 27 * 4 = 108 padas that make up the whole zodiac. Each pada gets 3 degrees 20 ‘(three degrees and twenty minutes).

9 Planets and their Names:

Planet   Different Names
Sun   Ravi, Surya, Aditya, Arka and Bhanu
Moon   Chandra, Soma and Sitamsu
Mars   Kuja, Angaraka and Bhoma or Bhumija
Mercury   Budha, Soumya, Gna, Somaja
Jupiter   Guru, Jiva, Brihaspathi, Suri
Venus   Shukra, Sita, Bhrigu and Kavya
Saturn   Sani, Ravija, Asita and Manda
Rahu   Dragons’ Head, Thama and Sarpa
Ketu   Dragon’s Tail, Sikhi

Planetary Directions:

    East    Sun
    West    Saturn
    North    Mercury
    South    Mars
    North-East    Jupiter
    South-East    Venus
    North-West    Moon
    South-West    Rahu

Planetary States:

It is said that the planets have certain states called “avastas”. The Avastas or planetary states are grouped into several heads. The ten states which describe the physical and mental conditions of the planets are:

Deeptha or Exaltation: bring long life, successful work, good family, promising children, wealth, fame, respect and transfers.

Swastika or residence in your own home: permanence, happiness, good education, good position.

Muditha or Residence in a Friendly Sign: good dress, good taste, sweet smells, flowers, women, position and happiness.

Santha or planets in Auspicious Subdivisions: opportune strength and courage, useful relationships, comfortable life, health and happiness.

Saktha or Retrograde Movement: courage, prosperity, successful position, reputation, wealth, good relations. In retrograde motion, good planets produce happiness and bad planets produce ill effects and misery.

Peedya or planets of the last quarter or Navamsa of the sign: hatred, quarrelsome relationships, family dissensions, criminal proceedings, habits of theft, expulsion from the country.

Deena or Planets in Hostile Houses: disease, pettiness, mental preoccupation, mental disorder, social degradation or ex-communication, fanatic persecution.

Vikala or Planets on Fire: mental disorders, orphanage, many risk expulsion from the country, the public shame of children, wife and friends.

Khala or Weakened Planets: constant losses, vulgar birth, problems with unexpected sources, quarrels with parents, imprisonment, disease, misery and total disregard for what is noble and sacred.

Bheetha or Acceleration: loss due to fire, enemies, kings and thieves. Persecution, torture, shameful life, vulgar habits, danger abroad. When predicting the outcome, it should be noted that the evil conjunctions and aspects add to the misery and that the right conjunctions and aspects are beneficial.

Stars and Planets | Nakshatras and their Nature

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