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Wedding Ceremony | Graha Shanti | Engagement Ceremony Puja

Engagement Ceremony Puja:

1) Sankalpa, Poonyahvachanam and Ganesha Puja
2) Request by the Groom’s father for the bride’s hand for his son. Bride’s father’s approval.
3) Bride’s father and his daughter propose the marriage at the appropriate Muhurtam.
4) Groom’s father and his son reconfirm the proposal.
5) Bride worships Shachi for the success of the future marriage.
6) Mangal Aarati of the bride by 5 women
7) Bride and the Groom exchange the rings.
8) Formal engagement Announcement, Ashirvad, Congratulations.


About Graha Shanti:

The Graha Shantiis typically done a day before the formal marriage ceremony so that maximum number of outside guests can attend the function. The primary purpose of the pre wedding rituals is to kick off the religious and social festivities leading to the marriage ceremony. These rituals are known by various names such as Devak, Grahamak, Graha Shanti etc. These rituals are typically done separately by the boy’s and girl’s parents in their own homes. However, they can also be done together, if necessary. It takes about an hour to set up and one hour to do these rituals.

Graha Shanti Puja is done to appease the particular planet which is an adverse position in one’s horoscope or to enhance the effect of a positive influence of a particular planet. Each planetary power has to be appeased in a different way and thus the Puja ritual.

Surya Puja is to appease the planetary power Sun, the supreme power of the solar system. Surya Puja is indicated when Sun is powerless or depleted in the horoscope.

Chandra Puja is performed to appease the planetary power of the Moon, the Second Supreme power in astrology,the Queen. Moon is the planet, which rules our emotions, our thoughts and fortune, fame, memory, success, happiness, and comforts.

Mangal Puja is performed to appease planet Mars. Mars is the ‘Prince’ among all the planets. Performing Mangal Puja can reduce the troubles and hurdles caused due to malefic position of Mars in the horoscope.

Budh Puja is peformed to appease planet Mercury. Budh Puja enhances the power of speech and is recommended to reduce the tribulations caused due to malefic position of Mercury in the horoscope.

Brihaspati Puja is perform to appease planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. According to Hindu Shastra, “Brahaspati” is known as “Guru” or teacher of all “Devtas”.

Jupiter Puja is very auspicious planet and Puja in honor of Jupiter enhances wisdom, knowledge, religion, fortune, happiness, welfare, joy, devotion, spirituality, generosity, charity, gentleness, statesmanship, fame, wealth , respect, reputation, honor, dignity and social status. If Jupiter is well placed in the horoscope one can enjoy all the joys of life. Yet, one can find his life ruined in all respects due to malefic effects of planet Jupiter. Brihaspati Puja is recommended to increase the power of the benefic Jupiter or to reduce the tribulations caused by malefic Jupiter.

Shukra Puja is performed to appease planet Venus, the Guru of demons, Venus is the most shining and beautiful planet in the solar system. Shukra Puja is recommended to remove the malefic effects of Venus in one’s horoscope.

Shani Puja is performed to appease planet planet Saturn, Saturn is the slowest planet in the solar system. If Saturn is malefic in one horoscope chart then Shani Puja is recommend to remove the malefic effects.

Rahu Puja is performed to appease the planetary power Rahu, the dragon’s head. Rahu is said to be a shadow planet. When the Dragon’s Head is malefic in one horoscope chart then Rahu Puja is recommended to remove the malefic effects.

Ketu Puja is performed to appease planetary power Ketu, the dragon’s tail. Ketu is also said to be a shadow planet. If Dragon’s Tail is malefic in one horoscope chart then Ketu Puja is recommend to remove the malefic effects.

About Wedding Ceremony:

In Hindu culture, marriage is one of the most important sanskaras or rites of passage that a Hindu observes during his or her lifetime. Briefly stated, the marriage or the Vivaah Sanskar is the transition from the first stage of life, devoted to education and learning, to the second stage of life, devoted to building a household and raising children. The married couple pursues Dharma, performing the righteous duty, Artha, the acquisition of wealth and Kama, the enjoyment of natural desires. They lead a productive life of work, service and enjoyment, fulfilling various duties and obligations towards themselves, their families and society at large. In Hindu scripture, marriage is a sacrament with strong moral and ethical values. It is meant to unite the bride and the groom firmly so that they essentially become one in soul and spirit.

Tying the Mangalsutra

The Hindu marriage ceremony is primarily based on the marriage of Surya, the daughter of Savita (The Sun) to Ashwinikumar, as described in the Rig-Veda, one of the oldest Hindu scriptures. After Ashwinikumar wins the chariot race, Savita gives away the bride in a splendid ceremony. It is written in Sanskrit, one of the oldest language in the world.

Think of the actual wedding ceremony as if it were a romantic story, where the bride and the groom come to the Mandap, separately, as if unknown to each other. Then they fall in love and ask the parents’ permission to get married. We explain them what the Hindu marriage means and they accept the obligations that go with it. During the various rituals, the couple commits to remain faithful to each other and repeat the pledge in front of the Fire God, the Agni and all the witnesses. Then, they walk seven steps together committing to seven marriage vows to each other , about their future life together. We all bless them and wish them a very happy life and they leave the Mandap as a newly married couple!

The traditional hosts for the ceremony are the bride’s parents. The groom and his family are the guests arriving from outside to the Mandap. The ceremony revolves around the bride and her transition to the in law’s home. The ceremony depicts the transition for the Bride and the Groom, from the first stage of their lives, Brahmacharyashram, to the second stage of their lives, Grahasthashram.

It takes you thru the logical steps of first meeting of the bride and the groom, their decision to get married, bride’s parents giving away the bride, the couple committing to marriage in front of the sacred fire, bride’s transition to her in-law’s home, the couple taking the seven vows and the friends and families blessing the newly wedded couple.

Following are the essential steps of the ceremony. They will be customized to each specific wedding and the overall program will be distributed at the ceremony.

Swagatam Madhuperk:- Welcoming Groom & his family The Barat, the singing and dancing procession of the groom and his family, reaches the wedding venue. The bride’s family welcomes them with Aarati and sweets, as a symbol of happiness and good tidings to come and escort them to the wedding hall.

Shri Ganesh Prayers & Poonyahvachanam:- After all are seated, we start the ceremony with prayers to Lord Ganesh to bless this occasion and make the marriage ceremony free of obstacles. We solicit the blessings of elders and our forefathers, and pray for this to be an auspicious day for the marriage ceremony. Vadhu Aagman – Arrival of the Bride Bride is brought to the mandap typically by her maternal uncle, along with bridesmaids, and grooms’men. An antarpat, an auspicious cloth, separates Bride and Groom as a symbol of their separate existence prior to the marriage.

Mangalashtakam & Sankalpa:- Mutual Approval After the Mangalmantras are recited, Bride and Groom garland each other, indicating their mutual approval to proceed with the ceremony. The Pandit explains them the objectives of the Vivaah Samskar and then they propose to marry each other and enter the Grahasthashrama as a married couple.

Kannyadaan:- Giving Away the Bride In the Brahma Vivaah, the highest form of Hindu marriage, Bride’s parents, “give away” the Bride as one of the noblest acts they will perform in their lifetime. Bride and Groom then commit to remain faithful to each other, while pursuing Dharma, Artha and Kama. Bride’s mother pours holy water on bride’s father’s palms, which flows into Groom’s and then into Bride’s palms, symbolizing the continuity of life, repaying the debt to their forefathers and the passing of the family heritage to the next generation.

Akshatropanam & Panigrahanam (Hastmelap):- Expectations from Married Life The Bride and the Groom communicate their expectations of married life and show their consent by showering rice on each other. Bride requests his support for a healthy and prosperous family life. Groom requests her support in pursuing Dharma and for her cooperation in his various endeavors for a successful life. They accept each other’s hands with blessings of Heavenly Gods with a promise to stay together for the rest of their lives, symbolically tying each other’s wrists with sacred thread which is called Sutrabandhanam.

Mangalsutrabandhanam:- Marriage Commitment to Each Other Groom adorns Bride’s neck with the Mangalsutra, a necklace symbolizing good luck, love and friendship. Groom applies kumkum on Bride’s forehead, now as a Soubhagyavati. Bride applies chandan tilak on Groom’s forehead, now as a Grahastha. With the wedding ring exchange, they commit to support each other, in good times and bad times, in happiness and sorrow, with unending love. They are joined together in a marriage knot by the Groom’s sister or mother, as a symbol of their permanent bond

Vivaah Homa:- Worshipping the Sacred Fire Vivaah Homa is the start of the Grahasthashrama for the couple. The couple lights the Agni, the holy fire that symbolizes light, power and knowledge, and acts as a witness to the ceremony. Bride and Groom repeat the sacred pledge of marriage and request Agni to be the messenger for their prayers to various Gods, for Santati (children), Sampatti (wealth & prosperity) and Deergharogya (long & healthy lives).

Laja Homa & Agni Pradakshina:- Starting the Marriage Journey They circle the sacred fire four times, starting their transition into married life, supported by Bride’s brother, as her lifelong supporter. As they circle the fire, Groom poetically describes to Bride their complementary relationship. I am the sky, you are the earth. I am the thought, you are the speech. I am the fire and you are the fuel. I am the song, you are the verse;I am the ocean, you are the shore. I am the strength but you are the beauty. I am the Purush, and you are my Prakriti. Let us live together lovingly & bring up our progeny. Let us lead a joyful life of a hundred years. Please ascend this stone and be as firm throughout our married life. After the Agni Pradakshina, the Bride moves to the left side of the Groom; indicating her transition to the Groom’s family.

Saptapadi:- Taking the Marriage Vows with Seven Steps The couple takes seven steps together to reiterate their aspirations of their married life.
1) With the first step, we will provide for and support each other.
2) With the second step, we will develop mental, physical & spiritual strength.
3) With the third step, we will share the worldly possessions.
4) With the fourth step, we will acquire knowledge, happiness and peace.
5) With the fifth step, we will raise strong and virtuous children.
6) With the sixth step, we will enjoy the fruits of all seasons.
7) With the seventh step, we will always remain friends and cherish each other.

Ashirvad:- Blessings We all offer our blessings to the couple for long and happy lives together. After being declared as Husband and Wife, Groom and Bride bow to all invited guests and leave the mandapam as a newly married couple as the guests shower them with flower petals.

Wedding Ceremony | Graha Shanti | Engagement Ceremony Puja

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