Damaru = a small drum
Dardhya = Firmness of mind or concentration.
Darsana = Seeing; system of philosophy
dEvAram, tEvAram = The great Tamil hymns sung by saints sambandar, appar & sundarar on Lord shiva, first seven parts of thirumuRai, specifically 4th to 6 th thirumuRai – appar dEvAram
Desa = Space; region
Desa adhva = Kala, tattva, and bhuvana
deva = 1. divine, 2. essentials, elements
devi = divine (feminine)
dharma = righteousness, virtue, law, duty
Dharana = Meditation; contemplation
Dhruva = (1) Anuttara stage
dhUpa = fragrant smoke, incense
dhvaja = flag
Dhvani Yoga = A dharana of anava upaya consisting of concentration on anahata nada (unstruck sound) arising within through prana sakti. This is also known as Varna Yoga
Dhyana = meditation
Dhyani = meditator
Dhyana Yoga = The highest dharana of anava upaya in which pramana (knowledge), prameya (object of knowledge) and pramata (knower) are resulted as aspects of Samvid or foundational consciousness.
Dik = Space
Dikcari = Sub-species of Vamesvari, connected with bahiskaranas or outer senses.
Diksa = (1) The gift of spiritual knowledge (2) The initiation ceremony pertaining to a disciple by which spiritual knowledge is imparted and the residual traces of his evil deeds are purified.
dIpa = light
Dis = Direction
Divya mudra = Khecari mudra
Drdha = Stable in concentration
Drsti = Comprehensive vision
dyAna = meditation
dvaita = dualism
Dvadasanta = Distance or end of 12 fingers. This is measured in various ways: (1) A distance of 12 fingers from the tip of the nose in outer space is known as bahya dvadasanta (2) A distance of 12 fingers from the bahya dvadasanta to the centre (hrdaya) of the body is known as antara dvadasanta (3) A distance of 12 fingers from hrdaya upto Kantha. (4) There is a dvadasanta from the palate to the middle of the eye-brows. (5) There is a dvadasanta from the middle or centre of the eye-brows uptoBrahmarandhra. This is known as urdhva dvadasanta. This distance is of use only when the kundalini awakens.
dvAdashAnta = mystic place twelve units above the head
Dvaitham = Dualism.
Hinduism Glossary of Terms – D