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Annamayya Keerthana – Meloko Srungaararaaya in Hindi With Meaning

Annamayya Keerthana – Meloko Srungaararaaya Lyrics in Hindi:

मेलुको शृङ्गारराय मेटि मदनगोपाल ।
मेलुकोवे नापाल मुञ्चिन निधानमा ॥

सन्दडिचे गोपिकल जव्वनवनमुलोन ।
कन्दुवन्दिरिगे मदगजमवु ।
यिन्दुमुखि सत्यभाम हृदय पद्ममुलोनि ।
गन्धमु मरिगिनट्टि गण्डु तुम्मेद ॥

गतिगूडि रुक्मिणिकौगिट पञ्जरमुलो ।
रतिमुद्दु गुरिसेटि राचिलुका ।
सतुल पदारुवेल जण्ट कन्नुल गलुवल- ।
कितमै पोडिमिन ना यिन्दु बिम्बम ॥

वरुसं गोलनिलोनि वारि चन्नुङ्गोण्डलपै ।
निरति वालिन ना नीलमेघमा ।
शिरनुरमुन मोचि श्री वेङ्कटाद्रि मीद ।
गरिम वरालिच्चे कल्पतरुवा ॥

Annamayya Keerthana – Meloko Srungaararaaya Meaning:

Oh Madana Gopala, please wake up. You are the most beautiful lord. You are my precious treasure.

You are majestic amidst young Gopikas like king elephant in forest.You are fond of the lotus-heart of Satyabhama like a bee is fond of pollen on lotus. Her face is beautiful like moon.

You are in the embrace of loving Rukmini like a parrot in cage. You are the moon for the lotus-like eyes of your sixteen thousand consorts.

Oh Madana Gopala, You are like beautiful blue cloud spreading on mountains resembling the breasts of Gopikas in lake. You have Sri Lakshmi on your chest. You established yourself on Venkatadri like wish-fulfilling “Kalpataru” to bestow boons.

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Meloko Srungaararaaya Lyrics in Hindi | English | Bengali | Kannada | Malayalam | Telugu | Tamil

Annamayya Keerthana – Meloko Srungaararaaya in Hindi With Meaning

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