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Kulsum Begum Mosque Kulsumpura, Hyderabad | Telangana Tourism

The Kulsum Begum Mosque is the house of prayer that is found in Kulsumpura which is derived from the historic structure that is situated in the recent town space of Hyderabad city. This house of prayer is regionally referred to as ‘Badi Masjid’. The house of prayer the Mosque has been built on a square […]

Khairati Begum’s Tomb Mosque, Khairtabad Mosque Hyderabad

We can find this monument behind the Dwaraka Hotel in Lakdi ka pul. Kairta – un – Nisa built this monument as a memory of her teacher Akhund Mulla Adbul Malik. Kairat-Un-Nisa is the daughter of sultan Mohammed Qutb shah 1612-1626. This tomb was built on the square plan and stands on the high plinth […]

Uppuguda Armenian Cemetery Hyderabad, Telangana Tourism

This Armenian site is found closed to Uppuguda railroad station. It’s believed that these Armenians made their way to India by crossing Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet and for doing trade and they established their industrial centres in Hyderabad even before the appearance of European traders into India and additionally they served under the rule of […]

Dargah of Hazrat Syed Shah Raziuddin Hyderabad, Telangana

Hyderabad is a well known city for religious structures and their dargahs which shows the people emotions and belief on the god by living here from ancient days. We can see a number of dargahs in and around Hyderabad and there is a famous dargah of Hazrat syed shah Raziuddin situated on the road from […]

Khairat Khan’s Tomb, Khairati Khan’s Tomb Hyderabad

The tomb is situated in Sultan Shahi area of Goulipura. It is believed that Khairat Khan Sar Naubat worked as an ambassador for the Sultan Abdullah Qutb Shah VII to the Persia. He died in the year 1655. Tomb constructed on the square platform with steps as a memory of Khairat Khan. Tomb used to […]

Mia Mishk’s Mosque Near Charminar, Hyderabad, Telangana Tourism

Hyderabad is famous for numerous religious and heritage structure spotted the city over its length and breadth. The Mia Mishk’s Mosque is situated in old city of Hyderabad near Puranapul. In 1676 Mian the Abyssinian slave of Abul Hassan Tana shah Mishk has built the mosque. There are two big minars and three arches on […]

Shaikpet Mosque and Sarai | Shaikpet Sarai Near Golconda, Hyderabad

The shaikpet Mosque and sarai are situated in Shaikpet village of Hyderabad District. It is built by Ibrahim Qutb shahin 1550-80 A.D. which is constructed in Qutub shahi style of architecture. Even after two centuries this shaikpet Mosque is still standing like a strong and also an iconic structure and it additionally shows how trading […]

Shamsheer Kota Golconda Hyderabad | Telangana Monuments

We can see many monuments close to Golconda fort, which is located in Hyderabad. In these monuments the shamsheer kota monument situated close to Khazana constructed on the main road from the Fateh Darwaza to Bala Hissar road. To construct masjid and rooms they used Qutub Shahi style of construction. We can see a large […]

Abids Gun Foundry Hyderabad, Telangana Tourism

The gun foundry is situated opposite to mahboobia Girls College in Abids. It was built by the ruler Asaf jahi during the year 1795 by a prominent French Engineer Monsieur Raymond. French Engineer Monsieur Raymond established a cannon-manufacturing factory here. The foundry is built with a massive brick walls and cubicles which are supported by […]

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