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Hinduism Glossary

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – L

Laya = Interiorization of consciousness; dissolution Lina = absorbed linga = symbol, neither form nor formless used to represent the formless God through a symbol, representation of flame using solid material (The Supreme Flame is Lord Shiva, Who stood as infinite column of flame in front of braHma and viShNu) Loka = Plane of existence […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – K

Kaivalya =  Aloneness; isolation; aloofness from the influence of prakrti or maya Kala =  limited agency; creativity; phase of manifestation; part letter or word (in ha-kalaparyantam) Kala =  time; Sakti or power that determines succession. Kala =  (1) The Sakti of consciousness by which all the thirty-six principles are evolved. (2) Part; particle, aspect (3) Limitation in respect of activity (Kincitkartrtva). (4) The subtlest aspect […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – J

Jagadananda =  The bliss of the Self or the Divine appearing as the universe, the bliss of the Divine made visible. Jagat =  The universe ; the world ; matter ; The world-process. Jagrat =  Esoteric meaning-Enlightenment, undeluded awakening of consciousness at all levels. Jagrat avastha =  The waking condition. Jagrat jnana =  Objective knowledge […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – I

Iccha =  Will, Representing the letter (i), the Sakti of Sadasiva Ichha upaya =  Sambhava-upaya, also known as ichhayoga. Ichha-Sakti =  The inseparable innate Will Power of Parama Siva intent on manifestation; that inward state of Parama Siva in which jnanaand kriya are unified; the predominant aspect of Sadasiva. Idam =  This, object Idanta =  This-consciousness; objective consciousness. Indrajala =  Lit., the net of Indra; […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – H

Ha = Symbol of Sakti or divine power. Hamsa = the jiva, the soul Hamsajapa = The consciousness of nada-kala Hara = The Supreme Energy ; God ; Siva ; Iswara. Hathapaka = Persistent process of assimilating experience to the central consciousness of the experient. havis = Clarified butter, ghee, oblation Hetu = The reason […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – G

Gaganangana =  Cit-sakti, consciousness-power ganga =  The river Ganges, the holy river that flows down from himAlayam gaNapati, gaNesh =  The chief of the organised forces, Often refers to vignEshwara – the eldest son of Lord shiva Garbha =  Akhyati, primal, ignorance; Mahamaya garbhagR^iham =  sactum sanctorum, the main and core abode in the temple, mUlasthAnam […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – E

Ekanava = Pasyanti vak Ekam = One ekAtma vAda, Ekatma Vadam = the philosophy that only one soul exists (in the entire world) ; Monism ; the theory according to which there is only one Intelligent entity and that there are no such entities as Souls or matter ; the theory of Idealism.

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – D

Damaru =   a small drum Dardhya =   Firmness of mind or concentration. Darsana =   Seeing; system of philosophy dEvAram, tEvAram =   The great Tamil hymns sung by saints sambandar, appar & sundarar on Lord shiva, first seven parts of thirumuRai, specifically 4th to 6 th thirumuRai – appar dEvAram Desa = […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – C

Caitanya =  The foundational Consciousness which has absolute freedom of knowing and doing, of jnana and kriya sakti Cakra =  The group or Collective whole of saktis Cakresvara =  The master or lord of the group of saktis Camatkara =  Bliss of the pure I-consciousness; delight of artistic experience. Candra =  Prameya or object of knowledge; the apana prana or nadi (channel or nerve) Caramakala […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – B

bahir (pUja, mukha ……) = outside Bahirmukhata = Externalization, extroversion of consciousness Baindavi kala = Baindavi-pertaining to Bindu or the knower, Kala -will power. Baindavi kala is that freedom of Parama Siva by which the knower always remains as the knower and is never reduced to the known, svatantrya sakti Bala = Cid-bala, power of the true Self or Universal Consciousness. Bandha = (1) […]

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